Easy Mickey Mouse Inspired Costume!

A quick Mickey Mouse costume using clothes already in your closet!
Celebrating Mickeyween with Color Me Magic's #ColorMeHalloween

Have you made a “what we want to do after COVID” list?

We have! And near the top of our list is— Disney + Universal Studios.

We went to Universal for our honeymoon eight years ago, and OH MY, so so much has changed. And don’t even get me started on how pumped I would be to visit the new Star Wars rides at Disney.

And you can bet, I’ll wear this outfit when I go— Disney ears and all.

I knew I wanted to do a Mickey costume this year. This costume first came together when I found this Vintage polka dot skirt and vest while thrifting. When I saw the skirt, I knew my ears had to be polka dots! It’s so Mickey and Minnie to wear polka dots, don’t you think?

Disney Costumes with Stacie Stine! How to DIY Mickey Mouse Ears using a spare headband

DIYing Mickey Ears

I went to college in L.A., so I went to Disneyland once or twice a year (life regrets: not buying a season pass to Disney— WHAT WAS I THINKING?!), but buying Mickey ears wasn’t really in my budget back then.

It’s not really in my budget now (maybe someday!)! But during COVID, I’ve been all about making what I can’t buy. So even though I can’t go to Disney today, this week, this month, or this year— I’m looking forward to the day I get to wear my DIY Mickey ears there!

There are SO many creative makers designing detailed and intricate Mickey ears. I searched Pinterest for ideas and inspiration, and my jaw dropped when I saw this Disney castle one and this Up themed one. While Disney sells Mickey ears, I love that makers are also making them.

I made mine as simply as I could:

  1. I used a thicker headband I wasn’t wearing and wrapped polka dot material around it. I have a few thick headbands laying around for projects just like this! Adding material to headbands is my favorite thing. Here’s a quick DIY video for material-wrapped headbands.

  2. For the Round part of the ears, I Wrapped jewelry Wire around a large glass jar about four times to create a sturdy structure for my ears.

  3. With my polka dot material, I cut out four circles a bit larger in size than my wire structure. I left about a half inch of margin. I took two circles, placed them with polka dot sides touching, and sewed around the edges. I left about a 2 inch opening so I could turn the circle inside out. Once inside out, I inserted the wire frame. Since the frame was wire,I could bend it into my circle pouch and bend it back into it’s circular shape once inside. I sewed up the 2 inch opening after inserting the wire. Then I sewed the circles and the wire to the headband.

  4. Excess polka dot material I used to create a polka dot bow tie I’ll use to wear with so many other outfits!

Vintage polka dot skirt creates the perfect Mickey mouse costume!
Sometimes we already have Disney-like costumes waiting in our closets we just have to discover them!

Sometimes we already have Disney-like costumes waiting in our closets we just have to discover them!

How to make this costume at home:

  1. Mickey and Minnie’s usual color scheme is black, white, red, and yellow! Go find those colors in your own closet and pull them out to mix and match and see what your options are!

  2. Polka dots are true to Minnie Mouse’s original dress! If you have any polka dotted pants, skirts, or tops in your closet— these could work!

  3. If you don’t have Mickey’s yellow shoes, add a pop of yellow somewhere else! I added a yellow sweater and a red belt to my look!

  4. DIY your own ears or invest in a pair from a small business maker like EarsnBows or BlondeAutumns!

Do you think you already have a Mickey costume in your closet?

If you need a quick Halloween costume, I honestly think you could put this together with so many different pieces in your closet! If you put together your own Mickey Halloween costume, make sure to tag me so I can see it (Instagram: @stacie.stine)

Stacie Stine

New York City Photographer that makes you feel seen and celebrated through un-rushed portrait and lifestyle photo sessions in Central Park and all around the city!


Falling in love in Denton, Texas


Summer to Fall Transitional Outfit Ideas