FREE PDF | Gratitude List

What I love about gratitude is that it often refocuses my gaze from pessimism and bitterness to contentment and joy.

And I’m not sure I will ever practice it enough.

My goal with this gratitude list is to put gratitude into a habitual rotation of things I do on the regular. Maybe that’s something you'‘d like too? Maybe you’ve been in a pit (like Andy Dwire) and it’s been hard to see out of the hardness and darkness. I wonder if practicing gratitude might soften your heart and lighten your day?

Feel free to download and print this PDF! Just click on the version you love the most and it will take you to the download page! I made a few different versions for those of you who love options!

I plan on posting this on our fridge and writing out one thing I’m grateful for every day of November. I’d love to include Brett too— because it’s truly refreshing to hear what he’s grateful for. I never practice gratitdue, so I’m interested to see how this goes, if I feel an internal change in my heart, and if my load feels lightened. I’d love to hear how practicing gratitude goes for you! Or maybe you’re already a pro at it! I’d love to hear how you practice it!

Thanks for taking my freebies. It makes me happy.
