Posts in adventure
Fantastic Mr. Fox

What the Cuss?!

We LOVE Fantastic Mr. Fox for a bajillion different reasons and even though our costumes weren't spot on---- we figured dressing up all hipster fancy and throwing on tails and ears could still pass. 

And let's be real about the movie....If I can't STARE at George Clooney during a movie, listening to his voice for a full 90 minutes is the next best thing. ;) 

Here's to drinking lots of apple juice and robbing all the farmers in the land!

Outfits and theme Inspired by Girl Boss, Rachel, over at Fawn and Feather

That one time I yelled at Ryan Gosling.

It's true, I really did yell at him.

In 2008. My Freshmen year of college.

WHAT I yelled at him is probably what any young fan would yell if they'd pulled up next to him at the same Hollywood stop light they were stopped at, his car windows rolled down (his scruffy dog was in the backseat sticking it's head out the window). I giggled with my friends at how cute he was and I yelled like a free Texas-meets-California/Driving-through-Hollywood-with-your-windows-down freshmen girl would:


And that was it. He looked over at me, smiled and nodded. The light turned green and he was gone.

All I did in that moment was inform Ryan Gosling that I had a liking for his dog.


You'd think I would have said something, ANYTHING, other than "I like your dog" to the one and only Ryan Gosling, but the thing is, my friends and I didn't know it was him until a week later when a girl on my hall ran into my dorm room and showed me a picture of that same guy, in the same t-shirt, with the same scruffy dog, taking a walk through Hollywood. It was Ryan. We both fell on the floor screaming and freaking out and I immediately thought.... of all the things to say to Ryan Gosling I told him I liked his dog.

I could have at least said, "If your a bird I'm a bird!"

I wouldn't have minded going for "Marry me Ryan Gosling, I'll babysit your dog --- I mean, our dog-- while you're filming your movies!"

That was back then of course, when I was a frivolous giggling freshmen. If I saw him today I'd probably say, "Ryan, I haven't seen you in so long, I'm a bird if your a bird."

What I love about yelling at Ryan Gosling, is that I feel this slight connection with him that's incredibly insignificant and totally not reciprocated in any way at all.

I know more about him than he knows about me. I remember him, and I can guarantee you he doesn't remember me. I can look him up on google and read all about his life or watch him play different characters in movies, but he'll never have the inclination to look me up on google or read my blog, and even if he did, he wouldn't really know me.

This whole Ryan Gosling thing really alludes to (ready for the curveball?!)... Jesus. Can't you tell? What I love about Jesus, is that he lived 2,000 years before Ryan Gosling and I know him like one of my closest and most cherished friends. He's someone I really care about and need in my life every day. What I love about Jesus, is that he knows me better than I know myself. He loves me in no way Ryan Gosling, my husband, my family, or friends could love me. He knows every thought I think (the good ones and the terrible, awful, and no-one-should-hear-those-thoughts thoughts) and still tells me He'd do anything to be friends with me. He died so we could have a friendship that lasts forever, actually. I don't have many friends like that.

Jesus is a celebrity I don't even deserve to be friends with, but He really cares for me, so He is always available for me. Always ready to listen, comfort, rejoice, mourn, and dance around to techno music with me. He is patient with me when I'm a frustrated mess that can only offer rude sarcasm to my husband. He is never rude and sarcastic to me. He is only firm and loving. I am in awe of His loyalty and dedication to help me maximize on my strengths and gifts. He's like the best barista ever because He not only fills up my coffee, He makes sure I have enough all the time. My mug is always overflowing with the best of the best roasts. When I go through my days feeling as if I'm not enough, He reminds me that His friendship and love for me is enough.

Do you only know facts about Jesus, just like you know facts about Ryan Gosling? Or, have you ever taken the time to know Jesus and His love for you?

I'd love to help you find the answer to that question if you ever want to go get coffee... I know a really great barista to hit up. ;)


This picture was LITERALLY taken the day I saw Ryan Gosling. Crazy huh?

If I were Ben Stiller.

If I were Ben Stiller I would pinch myself to make sure it wasn't a dream that I was Ben Stiller. Then I'd call up Kristen Wigg and ask her if she wants to hang out or get coffee or go sing karaoke with me.If I were Ben Stiller I'd try really hard not to make the Zoolander model face at everyone I stand next to on public elevators. But it would be too fun not to make that face at people. So I would.

If I were Ben Stiller I'd definitely cast Kristen Wigg as the coolest love crush ever in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty... so good job, Ben Stiller, for steal'n my idea!

If I were Ben Stiller four months ago, I'd provide a free pre-showing of Walter Mitty to a ton of high school, middle school, and college teenagers. The kind of teenagers who need inspiration, need a reason to travel, or need to know real life is allowed to have a little risk and adventure (and a little bit of Kristen Wigg's humor too). And half way through that free showing I'd bring in a bunch of FREE Papa Johns cause teenagers can get hungry during movies. And a little bit later I'd bring in a bunch of coffee and Cinnabon for dessert. And if Ellen decided to chip in, maybe we'd take them all to Iceland afterwards.

If I were Ben Stiller, I'd make an alternate ending to Walter Mitty. What if Walter never found the lost negative 25? What if Sean O'Connell meant for there to never be a negative in that spot? What if the very gap between negatives 24 and 26 was the true beauty of Sean's work? What do you see when an empty frame is held up to your face? You see past where the picture would be to the other side. You see the real world beyond the frame. You see life just as beautiful or messy as it is. You see the Quintessential to Life. Sometimes I wish the movie would have been just as good if it would have ended like that.

If I were YOU, in the midst of your busy life this week, I'd make sure you squeezed in a movie night for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Maybe it'll help you slow down, think, and remember to live.

walter mitty


ben stiller